Sunday, November 6, 2016

The Elias Bunch!

Finally got the time to sit down & upload pictures. How cute are these kids? Thanks to Nate & Karina for letting me spend time with your great family! 

Thursday, October 20, 2016

It has been almost 3 years since my last blog post & I am asking myself how so much time has slipped by. In those years, I have moved back to Nebraska, bought a home & somehow let this whole thing called "responsibly" take over. Thanks to my new commitment of reading development books, I have been so kindly reminded that living a creative life is so important. It is what enhances your life & lately I have realized it is what reenergizes my life. There is a list of things that set my soul on fire; writing and being behind the lens of a camera are just two things that make my long list.

In Elizabeth Gilbert's book "Big Magic," she talks about how putting your creative work out in the world can be scary; however, she encourages readers not to care what the world thinks for the work is ultimately for the creator. We should love our creative process so much that it doesn't matter the outcome of the work or if others approve.

"What you produce is not necessarily always sacred, I realized, just because you think it's sacred. What is sacred is the time that you spend working on the project, and what that time does to expand your imagination, and what that expanded imagination does to transform your life." Big Magic, Elizabeth Gilbert

Tonight I am thankful for the Bernecker family! I don't allow myself to pick up my camera often enough and thanks to their ask, I was able to be reminded of the joy found in capturing moments in time. Taking pictures is always fun, but it is a special treat when you love & adore the family. I definitely love this new family of five! Thanks for letting me spend the evening with you. It is so fun to see you all grow! Xoxo 

Sunday, November 10, 2013



On Friday my co-worker walked in to hand me a muffin. As much as I love a little treat, I also know that you can't ALWAYS say "yes" to the extras in life...because soon you will have a little extra on you. Anyways, before I could say no, she told me the muffins were somewhat healthy. So I sad yes, and sure am glad that I did.

These muffins are 122 calories each & SO SIMPLE! A three ingredient recipe makes this the perfect fall treat!

1 Dry Cake Mix: Spice Cake
1 15 ox can Pumpkin
1 4 oz snack of applesauce

Bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes.

I can't wait to bring these to the office Monday!

Healthy Chocolate Muffins

These muffins are a hit for chocolate lovers! They are delicious and pretty healthy, 95 calories (except I used Reese it is probably a little bit more.) After making them, I left two out for the week & put the rest in the freezer to enjoy later! 


1 3/4 cup of old fashioned oats 
3 egg whites 
3/4 cup unsweetened cocoa 
1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce 
1 tsp. vanilla extract 
1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt 
1/2 tsp cream of tarter 
1/4 tsp. salt 
1 cup hot water 
1-1/2 tsp. baking powder 
1-1/2 tsp. baking soda
1/2 cup truvia baking blend (or baking stevia)
1/2 cup Reese chips (or you can use mini chips) 

1. Line a muffin pan with foil cupcake liner, or you can also spray a muffin tin with non-stick cooking spray. 
2. Heat oven to 350 degrees. 
3. Mix all of the ingredients together with mixer (except for the chips) 
4. Place mixture in cupcake liners. I filled mine about 3/4 the way full. 
5. Bake for 15 minutes. Remove from oven and allow to cool. 


I have quickly discovered that creating personalized cards comes with unknown rewards. I had the pleasure of design The Thomas Family christmas card. Katye was a senior in college when I was a freshman. Our common connection is our sorority, Kappa Kappa Gamma. I loved working with Katye to create her design, but what I loved even more was the reminder of the special friendships Kappa has given me. Whether it is a best friend or someone who was three years senior to me & now a card customer, it means so much.

The icing on the cake was a thank you card from Katye..."You are so talented an I will be sure to use you again for upcoming events! Hope all is well, sister!"