About Me

It's hard to fully describe who I am, but maybe pictures will help. They are placed in no particular purpose...except my family is first. Family will always be first!

In my world, 4 is the perfect number. My dad is loud, full of emotions, and the man who always is making a new friend. My brother is the guy everyone likes, the older sibling who still needs to grow up a bit, and someone who will always be smarter and more relaxed than me. Mom is our family's glue. She is hardworking, kind, always a bit worried, and the person I admire most in this world.

I grew up on a feedlot; therefore, I didn't have neighbor kids to play with but rather 8,000 cattle & acres of land to explore. While people wouldn't label me as a farm girl, I know my morals and work ethic came from the world in which I was raised.

 On any given day, baking is my comfort. My best friends range from people I went to daycare with to people I have met in the working world. I am blessed to have old friends, new friends, heart to heart friends, stay in on the weekend friends, sorority friends, work friends, and one grown up BFF.

My perfect place in the world is our small lake house & piece of property located just 20 minutes away from our farm. Lincoln used to be just a "college town" but it is where I own a home & where I feel most me. I am happiest when I am wearing no makeup with my sweatpants on. I feel completely at peace when Eric Church is singing in my ears while I am 3 miles into my run. I have been exploring the world of yoga, entrepreneurship through an invitation & card design business, and owning a home. Somedays I wonder how I got to this point of "grown up" so quickly, but that is usually when I remind myself to take a breath. I need to do that often.

It is a combination of all my people, places, and passions that make my life big.

This is my attempt to collect all the little things.