Thursday, October 24, 2013

Flat Stanley

Last Thursday my nine year old friend Isac picked up the phone to ask me one question, "Can Flat Stanley stay with you?" For those of you who know me, I was THRILLED to get this question and my answer was obviously YES. Of course I would embrace having Flat Stanley be a permanent house guest for awhile. I gave Isac my work address, and he finally arrived today. I was amazed to learn that a lot of my co-workers didn't know who Flat Stanley was or the purpose of this little man. They thought is was a "Nebraska" thing...clearly some of them were deprived of a childhood.

The Flat Stanely Project provides students like 9 year old Isac to learn about geography in a fun way. They create paper "Flat Stanleys" and send them to a friend of family member in a different state. It is my job to take pictures and keep a journal of his Minnesota adventures. After a certain period of time, I will mail Stanely back to Isac and his classroom & they will read about his travels. 

Tonight is Stanley's first official night here, and he is already starting his trip on a high by attending a Minnesota Wild Hockey game with one of my co-workers. On Sunday, Stanley will see one the biggest rival games when the Vikings & Packers face off. While this fun project has been something that constantly makes Isac smile (according to his mom), I am quickly discovering that it is something special for myself as well. It has been over four months since my arrival in Minnesota, and each day I learn that "Minnesota Nice" is a real thing. My co-workers have been quick to jump in with this project; making lists of must do Minnesota things, helping to laminate the little man so he can survive the winter with a plastic coat, and volunteering to take him any and everywhere. My excitement has translated into their excitement. How lucky I am to be surrounded by people like this each day. I am happy to be host Stanley & excited to see what a paper doll teaches me. 

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